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Reiki Master
Animal Reiki Healer

Hi, I’m Beth. My path as a healer began for me as a young girl. Being an “old soul” and a sensitive one at that, my friends, family, and animals always seemed to gravitate to me for support and love. My mother, who struggled with undiagnosed postpartum depression and untreated childhood trauma, she struggled to live in a world that did not understand what she needed to heal. Sensing this as a child, I was always searching for something that might bring a smile to her face, peace to her heart, and my mother back to being with me in the moment.
As a young teen, I developed an intense desire to more deeply understand my mother, and those who had endured similar challenges in life. I also had this recurrent feeling that I was meant for something bigger, a greater purpose. At this young age, I made the decision to become a therapist and embarked on my journey of study.


Losing my mother from this earth before my studies were complete was a devastating loss for me. It ignited in me a passion to help heal those who were misunderstood and had suffered so much on this earth. I made the decision to use my pain to honor my mother by providing a safe space for the people I work with to land, a space where healing and growth could take place, and hope could begin to grow. 


As a therapist, I was drawn to meditation and mindfulness. I found these practices not only helped those I worked with, but they also calmed the anxiety I felt when my own grief arose or when I absorbed the pain of those around me as my sensitive heart had a tendency to do. Using my experience and training in mindfulness and meditation practices, I was able to help others learn how to create a calm body and peaceful mind, transform their stories into meaning and purpose, focus on what mattered most to them, and develop regular mindfulness practices to integrate into their daily lives.

In addition to my ongoing meditation practice, I continued to learn about other holistic healing practices. As I explored yoga, reiki, animal therapy, and crystals, I quickly recognized the powerful impact these healing practices had on my emotional, physical, and mental wellness. My personal transformative experiences receiving Reiki treatments for my own healing led me down a path of continued spiritual growth that has included the honor of becoming a Reiki master.

After over two decades of providing intensive talk therapy to trauma survivors, some of the most
beautiful souls I have ever met, I felt called to open my own practice so that I would be able to provide not only traditional therapy, but other helpful holistic healing methods.

I am so pleased to be able to offer Reiki healing sessions at Dragonflies and Amber to those looking to explore the benefits of this holistic method of healing your whole self: body, emotions, mind, and spirit.  If you feel called to, come join me (or bring your pet to see me) for a Reiki session. Having 13 diverse pets of my own, I enjoy getting to work with your animal babies too!

Coming soon to my offerings: Meditation Workshops, Classes, and Private Sessions

With Much Warmth, Beth


Learn more about sessions with Beth: 



What to expect from your to with me

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